Are you a Christmas stocking or Christmas sack kind of person? Put it at the end of your bed or on the fireplace? However you do it, it's a fun Christmas tradition that the kids love. There's so much excitement in digging around and pulling out the presents (or an orange if you're old school which your Christmas traditions!). We've rounded up some of our favourite children's Christmas stocking fillers for a range of ages all for under £10.
Treasure Dough

This treasure dough is such a fun little extra to add to their stocking. Playspirations dough is handmade, non-toxic, and free from any nasties so it's perfect for your little ones to create, roll and stamp.
Shape Sorter

This toy is perfect for the little ones Christmas stocking. Helping them learn to recognise and match shapes and colours while fine-tuning their hand-eye coordination, this Little Dutch shape sorter is a baby must have.
Bath Bombs
First word flash cards

We had to include or first word flashcards because they really are such good extra present for little ones! With the option to add a personalised bag to keep them in it makes the gift a little extra special.
Hair accessories

Spark some Christmas joy with these festive twinkly star grips! A cute little gift that they'll want to wear straight away for the day ahead.
Baking craft kit

Who says you can’t play with your food? We love these bake and craft kits from Craft and Crumb. They all involve creating a delicious home-made treat, as well as a super fun craft activity that tops off the creative journey perfectly.
Finger puppet book

Nail kit

Little ones will love to get glammed up like a grown-up with this fun nail kit! This Mimi and Milo children's nail kit includes everything you need for the cutest and most colourful nails around.
Wind up dinosaurs

I know my little boy is going to love these wind up dinosaurs this year! They'll love to wind up the mechanism then release it on a flat surface to see the dinosaur move and walk forward. They could even get multiple and have a dinosaur race!